Elegant boutique in fashion district

Centro Storico – Milan, Lombardia, Italy

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추정 가격
{{ originalPricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale }}{{ pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale }}
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  • {{line.quantity}}x
    {{line.originalPrice / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{line.price / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • 세금 및 수수료
    {{originalTaxesAndFees / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{taxesAndFees / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • 추정 가격
    {{originalPricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • 세금 및 수수료
  • 추정 가격
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Elegant boutique in fashion district

빠른 응답자

Centro Storico – Milan, Lombardia, Italy

Entire Pop-up shop in Milan

빠른 응답자

Centro Storico – Milan, Lombardia, Italy

Boutique / Shop
Entire or Partial
190 m²
위치한 거리

적합한 용도


이 공간 정보

This bright boutique is centrally located in Milan in the "fashion quadrilateral". It's a perfect choice for a Pop-Up shop or Fashion Showroom.

The façade of this corner space is made up of unique windows that extend along its entire length and which let in a beautiful natural light. The interiors are immaculate, with coffered ceilings, eggshell walls and arches that separate the different rooms, all giving the space a sophisticated atmosphere. With numerous services, including the Internet,...



Air Conditioning
Security System
Street Level
Window Display
Office Equipment
Sound & Video Equipment

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다음 항목도 검색해 보세요: Milan의 팝업 가게, Milan의 쇼룸