Warehouse/Storage in Gardena, California

예상 가격을 확인하려면 날짜를 입력하세요

추정 가격
{{ originalPricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale }}{{ pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale }}
가격이 시즌 가격을 반영

요청 시 사용 가능한 가격

  • {{line.quantity}}x
    {{line.originalPrice / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{line.price / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • 세금 및 수수료
    {{originalTaxesAndFees / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{taxesAndFees / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • 추정 가격
    {{originalPricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
    {{pricingTotal / 100 | currencyFromLocale:listing.locale}}
  • 세금 및 수수료
  • 추정 가격
추가 정보 요청
(no credit card required)

Warehouse/Storage in Gardena, California

Entire event space in Gardena, California, United States

5,300 sq ft

적합한 용도


이 공간 정보

- Lease of 5300 SF at $1.60 MG or $8,480 per month.

- Centrally located Near 110 / 91 / 105 / 710 / 405 Freeways

- Office space of 300 SF

- Two (2) 14' x 12' Over sized Ground Level Loading doors.

- Gated Fenced & Secured Yard

- Parking: 6 Spaces

- Located only ten minutes from LAX and just three blocks from the Harbor (110) Freeway, near 91 / 105 / 710 / 405 etc.

- Maneuvering room for trucks, 20' ceiling clearance, clear span warehouse space (few posts), Light and bright with skylights, w...



Private Parking

사용자 후기

아직 리뷰가 없습니다


모든 사진 보기
모든 사진 보기

이용 가능여부

(최소 임대 기간)
6 개월


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