Dynamic 50m2 Exhibition Space for rent in Via Lanzone, Milan

Cerchia Dei Navigli – Milano, Lombardia, Italy

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Dynamic 50m2 Exhibition Space for rent in Via Lanzone, Milan

Cerchia Dei Navigli – Milano, Lombardia, Italy

Entire art gallery in Cerchia Dei Navigli, Milano


Cerchia Dei Navigli – Milano, Lombardia, Italy

Art Gallery
Entire or Partial
50 m²
위치한 거리

적합한 용도

사진 촬영

이 공간 정보


A few steps from the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio and near the Columns of San Lorenzo in Milan there is the space

Distributed on two levels, it has a road access and one private from the palace of the early twentieth century building in which it is composed of three levels, each of 25 square meters around.

The road level, PT, with parquet flooring and resin, has access to the outside and a showcase;

The underground level has a nice barrel vault and is equipped with a bathroom and a ...



Window Display
Private Parking
Water Access
Animals Friendly
Smoking Area

사용자 후기

아직 리뷰가 없습니다


이용 가능여부

(최소 임대 기간)
(최대 임대기간)


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